On 26th July, 2022, To Commemorate India’s victory, Institutional Social Responsibility(ISR) under the banner of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan(UBA) in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Rasayani Jointly organize 75 Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and celebrated Kargil Vijay Diwas. To commemorate Kargil Vijay Diwas, All the...Read More
IT Club & IQAC of Pillai’s HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Rasayani observed Tech Tournament titled “TECH FEST 2K22” on November 6, 2021. Students from various streams participated & played in tech challenges using various websites like Jigsaw 🧩, Kahoot! 🤔 & Skribbl.io 📝. Faculties then announced Result of Design Your Thoughts –...Read More
The Department of Economics and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) jointly organised Students and Faculty Exchange Programme in collaboration with Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College of Science and Arts, Matunga on 22nd July, 2022. The objective of these exchange programmes is to expose students to non- traditional forms of acquiring knowledge in limited time and to...Read More
The Faculty members of BSc IT,CS,DS and MSc IT and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Rasayani jointly organised a Seminar on Project Guidance Session for students of BSc IT,CS,DS and MSc IT today, 22nd June, 2022. Mr. Shreejith Nair, Mr. Sadiq Shaikh, Mr. Pawan Gosavi and...Read More
Film Drama and Music Club and Student’s Council in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), successfully organized A Movie Promotion of the Marathi Movie – Ananya on 21st July, 2022, at the Auditorium of PHCASC (HOC) – Arts, Science and Commerce Building, Rasayani Campus. Maharashtra’s heart-throb actress Hruta Durugule and renowned Actor – Writer...Read More
Science Club in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce College, Rasayani had organized a Training Center Program (IIT Kharagpur). Total of 52 students participated in this Program and the first four students were sent to the next round on the basis of test paper marks...Read More
Programmes of BSc IT, BSc CS, BSc Ds and MSc IT and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Rasayani. Jointly organize “Design Your Thoughts” poster-making competition on 20th July, 2022, to showcase students’ innovative use of modern technologies. The competition is being participated in by 28 teams,...Read More
Science Club in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce College, Rasayani had organized a competition, “Fun with Periodic Table” on 20th July, 2022. Total of 18 students (6 groups) participated in this competition and the first three groups were selected as winners on the basis...Read More
The Faculty of Arts and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Rasayani conducted Merit Day & Alumni Panel Discussion on 16th July, 2022. Around 70 students and alumni of Arts participated in the programme that commenced at 12:15 p.m. The event began with Prize Distribution Ceremony wherein...Read More
The ISR Cell of PHCASC had organized a dam cleaning drive to create awareness about water reticulation, water demand management and water conservation. Sedimentation in dams results in loss of storage capacity; increases pressure on the dam structure, and can have a wide range of possible negative impacts on the environment. On 2nd July, 30...Read More