About Research

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Research is the foundation of knowledge that brings new energy, builds state of the art facilities, promotes research publications and develops collaborations. Research activities create and disseminate new knowledge and promote innovation that motivates better learning and teaching among faculty members and students at Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Rasayani.

To create zeal amongst students and faculty members towards research and innovation and to promote research in various departments of the Institute, our institution has organised a research and development committee, which was initiated in 2016-17.

The objectives of the committee are:

  • To create zeal amongst students and faculty members towards research and innovation.
  • To promote research in various departments of the Institute.
  • To ensure smooth functioning and effective Management of R&D at the institution
  • To promote and to encourage the aspiring students and faculty members to carry out research in the various fields by providing necessary facilities and infrastructures required.
  • To organize various workshops / seminars / training related to promotion of research.
  • To create awareness about filing Patents & IPR.
  • To enhance the research output of the institute by research paper publication in journals and reputed conferences.
  • Ensuring the integration of teaching and research, and the involvement of our students in the research processes.

Responsibility of R&D

The responsibilities of the committee can be summarised as follows

  • To help faculty and students to know research methodology to develop projects.
  • Advise and encourage the faculty to carry out research in-house and in collaboration with other organizations
  • Review the progress of research and offer necessary guidance whenever required
  • Encourage the faculty to attend various research-oriented Faculty development programmes.
  • Encourage the staff to attend / publish papers in various National / International conferences of their specialized areas.

Research Policy Implementation Mechanism

The specific roles and functions of the research cell will be as follows:

  • Conduct meetings to evaluate the research activities and schedule a plan of action for the subsequent year.
  • Provide research facilities in terms of books, research journals aid etc. required by the faculty.
  • Promote and uphold a research culture (eg. opportunities for acquiring domain knowledge, attending conferences and workshops etc.).
  • Organize workshops / training programmes to execute research and work.
  • To assist in the Patent filing process.
  • Develop and implement an official Code of Ethics to check infringement and plagiarism in research.

Promotion of Research
The faculty members and students are given freedom to choose the research area of their choice and guidance is provided. The institute encourages the faculty members and students by providing assistance for publications in reputed journals, writing book, book chapters and procedure for filing patents. All the necessary infrastructural facilities and a conducive environments to promote research, innovation and intellectual capital are provided.

Code of Ethics for Research

  • Academic Honesty
    PHCASC holds high respect for Honesty in all scientific Communications-honesty in reporting data, results, methods and procedures, and publication status. The institute does not entertain fabrication, falsification, misrepresentation of data. Deceiving colleagues or funding agencies or the public is considered misconduct on the part of the researcher.
  • Integrity
    PHCASC gives high regard for keeping up promises and agreements, sincerity and consistency of thought and action.
  • Carefulness
    The principles of good research are to avoid careless errors and negligence. One must carefully and critically examine one’s work and the work of peers and keep a record of research activities such as data collection, research design, and correspondence with agencies of journals.
  • Respect for Intellectual Property
    Another most important thing is to honor Patents, Copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property. One must not use unpublished data, methods, or results without permission. Credit needs to be given where credit is due. Research contributions must be given proper acknowledgement / credit and plagiarize must be avoided at any cost.
  • Confidentiality
    It is ethical on the part of any researcher to protect confidential communications such as papers giants submitted for publication, personal records and patient records.
  • Social Responsibility
    Another principle is, to mitigate social harm through research, public education, and advocacy.