I.T. Club of department of I.T. / C.S. in association with Tech Fry Day organized a Two Day Workshop on “Make Your Own Personal Assistant” for the students of first Year and second year I.T. / C.S. departments. The workshop was aimed to employ students with Industry-level skill, it taught students to make their own personal assistance, to design and code for different speech to text application. It also helped students to explore Python, Python libraries and Python for Speech Recognition. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Sagar Mahajan, CEO, Techfryday. The workshop for second year students was conducted on 15th and 16th November, 2019 which saw participation of 26 students and for first year students it was conducted on 18th and 19th November, 2019 which saw participation of 48 students. The event concluded by distributing certificates to all the participants.
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