Name of the Event: Online Orientation Programme for The Students of Arts on “How to Use Google Classroom
Conducted by: Faculty of Arts
Date: 12th June, 2020
Venue: Online Programme on Google Meet Application
Convenor: Mr. Sujith Babbu
Number of Participants Benefited: 72
The online Orientation Programme conducted for the Students and teachers by the Faculty of Arts, Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce on 12th June, 2020.
The session was divided into two parts. The beginning session was for the students of Arts and the subsequent session was conducted for the faculty of Arts. Prof. Hardik Dave, Asst. Professor, Pillai HOC College Of Arts, Science and Commerce Rasayni; was invited as the resource person for this event.
The idea behind this kind of programme was to help the learners in understanding the new tools of learning and educate them about the basic functionality of Google Classroom through their perspective. The resource person, Mr. Hardik Dave did his best to make the process simpler for the learners. He guided students as well as faculty members about multiple functions of Google Classroom and demonstrated various options available in the Google Classroom for daily attendance, recording of lectures and sharing of online assignments and responses etc. He also allowed participants to ask their queries and provided relevant solutions to them. His efforts were also appreciated by all. The technical arrangements were managed by Mr. Prathamesh Gokhale.
The event assured the enhanced experience of online teaching- Learning process and was a successful one.