Under the scheme Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana NSS unit in association with Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC) of Pillai HOC college of Arts, Science and Commerce, Rasayani had organized a Activity of hygiene awareness on 13th October, 2021 at Majhgaon village.
Women face challenges at various levels. First, accessing sanitary products, underwear, etc. is a transactional challenge. There is the absence of safe, hygienic, and private spaces, such as separate toilets with a door that closes, for women to take care of their menstrual health. Water, toilets, disposal of menstrual products, all prove to be obstacles in women’s menstrual health.
Many women in rural areas may also not have access to a toilet at home. Third is the culture and mindset which teaches women as well as men that menstruation should be hidden. Moreover, women’s dignity and health are not a priority, for both men as well as women.