Under the scheme PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana on a cold winter day, our NSS team came together to share warmth and compassion with those in need. A blanket donation drive was organized by NSS unit of PHCASC college on 26th January, 2022. And distributed them on 26th January, 2022 to the needy people in our adopted village. This event was organized in physical mode by taking all the safety precautions for COVID-19. Some of our volunteers came to college and worked during this COVID times taking all the precautions and also our principal ma’am “Dr. Lata Menon” and our program officer “Prof. Kalavati Upadhyay” along with NSS member Prof. Anita Rajput also guided and supported us. All the blankets were sanitized before distributing them to the needy. Due to it was occasion of 26th January, 2022. NSS unit organized some competition among the kids in tribal village like Rangoli Competition and Drawing Competition on the Theme on 26th January, 2022. Kids participated with full enthusiasm and full energy. The winners were given prizes too.