The Anti-Narcotics Cell of Navi Mumbai Police conducted Awareness Seminar on “the ill effects of drug abuse” amongst college students on 29th August, 2019. The awareness drive was assistance with Navi Colleges Association and NGO Asha Ki Kiran which runs a rehabilitation centre.
Date: 29th August, 2019
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Venue: Pillai Institute of Management and Research
Organized By: Anti-Narcotics Cell of Navi Mumbai Police
The awareness sessions were at Pillai Institute of Management and Research, New Panvel,with around 400 college students in attendance. Students of Pillai’s Panvel,D D Vispute College, Barns College, Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science & Commerce-Rasayani,CKT College, K L C College took part in the awareness sessions. The students were made aware of how addictive and damaging narcotics can be and how difficult it was to break away from the habit in the seminar. During the awareness drives, panel discussion and lectures were held by officers from Navi Mumbai Anti Narcotics cell & NGO Ashan Ki Kiran,to explain the physical, psychological and legal hazards of drug abuse.
Officers said that the awareness campaigns were aimed at college students, slum dwellers and daily wage labourers, who are among the biggest consumer base of street drug peddlers.