Under the scheme Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Scheme the NSS Unit of Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce made a visit to ‘Shantivan Old-Age Home’ to celebrate Diwali with the elderly people. Around 55 Volunteers and 4 faculty members had participated in the Diwali Celebration at Shantiwan. NSS volunteers interacted with all the residents of this old age home and also discussed about their hobbies and current life in Shantivan. The Activity was ended by offering shawls to them on this festive season and a thanks giving speech by NSS Co-ordinator Kalavati Ma’am. All the people from Shantivan were grateful and delighted with the initiative taken by our NSS students. It was a wonderful experience to spend some quality time in the company of these people and all our students could develop a sense of responsibility and social bonding through this practice.